Wednesday, November 28, 2007

We have Confirmation!

We went to the doctor yesterday and got confirmation that we are pregnant!
I am due about July 28th or 29th. The doctor says 29th, but the books I have and web calculators all show the 28th. As long as it's not in August, I'll be fine. We already have WAY too many events in August. lol

I thought I'd start having a spot to put how I'm feeling in each post. Partially for reference in the future, part for entertainment (I'm sure it'll get interesting), and part for just getting it off my chest. I'm not sure how many people will actually ever read this Blog, but I think it'll help me.

I'm REALLY tired today. The cramps have started to die down, which is good. No morning sickness yet. I felt kind of queasy & lightheaded last night, but that could have been from being tired and walking around Detroit at night in the frigid cold. Gotta love those steam vents that small like a combination of ass and rot.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

The First Weekend

All weekend I've been saying to myself "too weird." I know I've been wanting to get pregnant, but it actually happening is just weird! I've been really crampy all weekend and Brian says my boobs look swollen. I don't grab them as often as he does, so I guess he'd know better than me. lol!
I have a ton of stuff I should be doing. I have 3 paintings to work on, cleaning that needs to be done, and we've been planning on painting the living room ceiling and walls. I'm afraid to start my paintings because some of the chemicals are toxic. Katie gave me some info on stuff to avoid, but I'm still leery to touch any of it. I don't have much time to finish all these, and should really get to it.
I REALLY hope my doctor can squeeze me in to see her tomorrow. I don't want to keep waiting!!!

Could It Be?

I was a week late for my period and was getting a little worried. Friday afternoon I took 2 home pregnancy tests. A First Response and Clear Blue Easy. BOTH showed positive!
I didn't believe it after the First Response because the second pink line was pale. Brian did some research and found examples online of people who had the same pale line and were pregnant. Just to be sure we went and bought the Clear Blue Easy digital test. We were so excited that Brian took photo's and we had Walgreens print them out. When we went to pick them up we bought some little cards to put the photos in. We then went to my parents house to let them know. We just couldn't wait! My parents were ecstatic and my mom squealed and did a little dance. lol We then went over to see Brians' mom Nancy. She was very excited and did a little dance too! Unfortunately we couldn't get ahold of Sam, so we had to wait until Saturday to tell him.
We also called a few friends (mostly because Brian could not possibly wait to tell them) to let them know. Everyone seems pretty excited! We are holding off telling anyone else until we go see my OBGYN.