Saturday, December 20, 2008

Holiday's Are Here!

And it's time to get crazy busy! I've got my shopping all done (thank you!!!) and all that's left to di is wrap everything and cook what I'm supposed to bring to each party. I'm making a S'mores Trifle, buiscuts, and Cottontail Carrots for each of the family get togethers. I'm going to try to sqeeze in a batch of peppermint bark, but we'll see if that pans out. 
Phoebe had her final day at Tutor Time on Friday. The ladies were all doting over her as usual. No one really said anything about the batch of cookies I made for them thuogh... I don't know why... oh well, maybe they don't like break and bake cookies. lol 
Phoebe will start at ChildTime after the new year, but until then, daddy gets to watch her while I work. yay! 

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